Created 28-Jan-19
2017 Detroit Independance Day Banquet (96)2017 Detroit Independance Day Banquet (96)HIstory of Greeks in Michigan
For years Greek communities in Michigan have hosted Greek Independence Day events centered on a parade in Greektown, Detroit. Ann Arbor Photographic Arts has covered this cultural tradition for folks of Greek backgrounds and those Philhellenes interested in the draw of Greece. Of recent note was the passing of Olga Loizon in 2019. She was the founder of Olga's Kitchen, and photographed at a 2017 banquet when the Detroit Greek Independence Day Committee awarded Loizon the Greektown Preservation Society Award. Her contribution to Greek food and culture in Michigan was especially noteworthy. Explore the thousands of photographs of this heritage.

Please share comments in the guestbook with your stories about photos in the various folders. Efharisto.